About Your Guest Chef, Chuck Spanbauer Print

Chuck SpanbauerAfter a 20 year career in printing and regional food publishing and with the sale of his business in 2000, Chuck Spanbauer began Your Guest Chef as a catering business serving Green Bay, Appleton, the Fox Valley and thoughout Wisconsin.

Chuck's culinary training started on the apron strings of his French grandmother who was born and raised in South Carolina. The commingling of the French love of food and Southern hospitality are evident in his unique approach to catering and the art of party planning. His culinary studies have been an on life-long passion to blend art, food, hospitality and the drama of fine dining.

His grandmother instilled in him that:

"The highest compliment you could offer a guest was to entertain them in your home."

Chuck gives discriminating diners his unique blend of entertaining for private functions and lavish catered events at private homes and corporations throughout Wisconsin.

Chuck Spanbauer cookingLet Your Guest Chef pay that same compliment to your guests in your home while we make a memory together.

Want to learn more?

Ask Chuck a question here

Call him at (920) 412-7067

Email him at chuck (at) yourguestchef.com